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Evanescence - Sweet Sacrifice

Evanescence - Lithium

lunedì 16 luglio 2007

Amy parla di noi e di Pisa!

Amy ha postato su EvClub e.. ha parlato del nostro concerto di Pisa!!

So we've been back in the states for a couple of weeks, catching up on sleep and blasting the AC (2 things we were seriously missing in Europe), and I'm finally checking in to say hi. So........HI! To the fans all over Europe- YOU ROCK. We are spoiled now. I fought my monitor system the whole time because most of you were so loud we had everything BLASTING in our ears. (This is NOT a complaint. You american fans are gonna have to scream extra loud now to keep us happy. ) I want to give a special thanks to our italian fans. I think alot of you have heard about this by now, but they showed up at our show in Piza with a custom guitar they all chipped in on and had made for Terry with his name on it, and they bought us an actual STAR. There is now a star in the sky called Evanescence- RAD! Besides that there were tons presents, including my favorite thing, a giant book full of fan letters, pictures of our times together and art. Then they proceeded to totally freak out all night and give us an incredible show, which we honestly thought might suck considering we were playing in some weird little dusty lot next to a warehouse in the middle of nowhere. So once again, you guys RULED. Thank you so much- you will always be very special to us. Quite a few of the places we played on this tour were first-timers for us. Sweden, Norway and Finland were really interesting and beautiful, we had to ride a gigantic ferry from Stockholm to Helsinki, and I think that was my favorite part. It was the biggest boat I've ever been on, we had our own cabins with bunks and they had restaurants and a live band and blackjack. Tim won like $3.50 from a quarter I gave him when the slot machine landed on three pairs of pants. (It was funny but I think you had to be there). We had awesome shows in Russia (those St. Petersburg fans are NUTS), let's see, what else, went to Budapest and burned down a building for the Good Enough shoot, walked up to the parthenon in Athens in 100 degree heat and took about a million pictures of columns that I'll never look at, went to a Justin Timberlake concert with Terry in Paris and liked it ALOT (don't hit me), got lost in translation in Istanbul and hung out at the airport for 10 hours, rocked Israel until my voice blew out (also full of crazy super-loud screamers) and then flew home and started sleeping... ALOT. Oh yeah, and for the 3 days I was shooting Good Enough, Will played drums for Motley Crue because Tommy hurt his arm. Badass! We also met Iron Maiden after we opened for them at Donnington (and got a picture like the nerds we are.) After all this crazy touring, we've collected a ton of great pictures, and I've decided to start sharing them with you, so my little project for tonight is to go through as many of them as I can and start working on a "pictures from the road" page. We leave for rehearsals for Family Values on Monday, so we'll be seeing you guys soon.love,amy

Ecco la traduzione della parte dove parla dei suoi fans italiani!!

Desidero ringraziare in modo speciale i nostri fans italiani. Penso che molti di voi abbiate sentito parlare di questo ormai, ma si sono presentati al nostro show a Pisa con una chitarra, hanno contribuito tutti ed era per Terry, con il suo nome sopra e ci hanno comprato una vera STELLA. C'è ora una stella nel cielo chiamata Evanescence- meraviglioso! Oltre a questa, c'erano tonnellate di regali, compreso il mio preferito, un libro gigante pieno delle lettere dei fan, immagini dei nostri momenti insieme e disegni. Hanno continuato a darci dentro tutta la notte e ci hanno regalato un incredibile show. Onestamente pensavamo che avrebbe potuto fare schifo, visto che stavamo per suonare in un polveroso, piccolo, bizzarro posto vicino ad un magazzino nel bel mezzo del nulla. Così ancora una volta, voi ragazzi sieti GRANDI. Grazie davvero, sarete sempre molto speciali per noi.

Grazie ad www.evanescencewebsite.com per aver riportato le parole di Amy e per averle tradotte per noi!!

E' proprio bello sapere che Amy e gli Evanescence ci conservano comunque nel loro cuore e si ricordano di noi... un pensiero per noi la ns Amy l'ha avuto e questo non è certo poco considerando che ha fans in tutto il mondo!!

Eh brava Amy che è sempre dolcissima e molto spontanea e semplice... forse sarà proprio questo il motivo del suo successo... la sua naturalità!

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